Bro. Dave
2022-10-22, 18:15
I've told my story here and in my presentations . . . Tell everyone YOUR story! How is YOUR struggle going? What success have YOU had?

Contour Next One

This glucometer is my personal favorite meter.



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More forward movement!  Despite the push against my work, the struggle to help those diagnosed with T2D goes on!

As of today (21 Oct, 2022) the T2D Meals & Recipes site is active and online.  It is far from complete, but there's enough "meat on the bones" and content in the pipe that it's ready to open to the public.

How many times have I heard "If you can't say something nice..."??? Hmmmm...

Sometimes we SHOULD say "not nice" things.  If the truth hurts, tough.  It's the truth.  And if you don't tell the truth, well, that's called lying.

It never ceases to amaze me how no matter how well intended, people always want to crush others. Even in the T2D community! As soon as you try to help people, "they" crop up to try and scare you off.

I participated in a T2D forum to try and spread the info and give away the T2DFAK ebook to anyone that wants it . . . and the "guide" warned me about trying to make money from a site. A "guide", by the way, that makes a reported six-figure annual salary "blogging" about her disease.

You know what . . . FUCK YOU. Your "forum" is hosted by a corporation with vested interests, and both they and the "guide" are profiting from people suffering from illness. The "parent" corporation produces a LOT of "sick-care" sites on the web (and the sites don't fully function or have all of the data they "link" to ... they need a real webmaster/developer)!

Christmas is upon us and I've been working on recipes for a low-carb Holiday Feast that even people without a Type 2 diagnosis would love.

I'm not talking just a dry turkey with green beans and an iceberg lettuce salad on the side.  I'm talking about a bird and a ham and cornbread dressing and pies and cookies and punch . . . and finished off with a cup of Cafe Au Lait and another slice of pie or a cookie or two.  Sound good?

When you’re diagnosed with diabetes, it can be devastating. Information about diabetes and treatments is essential to understanding what diabetes is and what changes you can make to lead a healthy lifestyle and control your diagnosis.

Making lifestyle changes is critical and the most important thing you can do for your health. Monitoring your progress is also important to maintaining a healthy life.

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  • 02 Nov 2022.

Bro. Dave (David Mevis - bro [DOT] dave [AT] t2dfak [DOT] com) works to help Type 2 diabetics lower their glucose (sugar) numbers and live a healthy, drug-free "normal" life at

The Home of the Type 2 Diagnosis First Aid Kit